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Monday, February 7, 2011

【Picture】OMG It's Kyler Krunk!!!

Personally, Kyler Krunk, He Is F**King Hot LOL =]

【Pictures】Alex Evans (Part 1)

【Pictures】Emo Kids

Emo Kid Definition

Ok the proper definition of an Emo kid, I can give.
Now a real Emo kid (not a poser) wears w/e they feel like,
mostly it can be tight jeans (girls) and tight clothes in general and might have a piercing or two and usually wear all black with black hair.
however Emo kids could dress just like normal people,
or sometimes even wear more gothic than Emo clothes really creating a little emo/goth mix trend.
Emo’s almost always have their hair in their face, at least covering one eye, most times both.
Emo kids usually listen to love songs, sad music, and now and then some modern;
they also like metal now and then. now all the hype about Emo kids cutting themselves can be true,
cutting in a way is very addicting,
pulling the Emo kid, into more depression and anger from the cutting causing them to cut more (the depressing music only makes this worse) and some Emo kids don’t cut at all (however most do, simply out of depression)
emo's are very passionate kind, and understand the world a lot more than any stuck up prep, rocker, ect.
And can be very romantic, usually they have hobbies such as: writing poetry, Reading,
Listening to music.
Emo kids usually don’t have many friends and may seem quiet or shy but are actually some of the most social people you'll know once you meet one.